Current Research Projects
Research Papers
- M. Sandoval (Grad. Student), M. Abuhamad (Grad. Student), P. Furman (Undergrad. Student), M. Nazari (Grad. Student), D. Hall, Y. N. Silva.
Identifying Cyberbullying Roles in Social Media.
The 2024 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Calabria, Italy, 2024 (15 pages).
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- A. Tahir (Grad. Student), L. Cheng, M. Sandoval (Grad. Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Evaluating LLMs Capabilities Towards Understanding Social Dynamics.
The 2024 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Calabria, Italy, 2024 (16 pages).
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- M. Arslan (Grad. Student), M. Sandoval (Grad. Student), M. Abuhamad, D. Hall, Y. N. Silva.
Detecting LGBTQ+ Instances of Cyberbullying.
The International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (SBP-BRiMS), Pittsburg PA, USA (online proceedings, 10 pages).
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- B. Wheeler (Grad. Student), M. Purohit (Grad. Student), P. Furman (Undergrad. Student), S. Jung (Undergrad. Student), M. C. Nardini Barioni, D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva.
Global Prevalence Patterns of Anti-Asian Prejudice on Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Lecture Notes in Social Networks (LNSN), pp. 235-266, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-75204-9_10 (32 pages).
[Download PDF] [Springer Link]
- N. Barragan (Grad. Student), A. Batista (Grad. Student), D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva.
Social identity, social media use, and mental health in adults: Investigating the mediating role of cyberbullying experiences and the moderating effects of gender and age.
Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 17, pp. 4009-4020, 2024 (12 pages).
[Download PDF] [DovePress Link]
- M. Juarez (Undergrad. Student), N. Barragan (Grad. Student), G. K. Thiruvathukal, D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva.
ActionPoint: An App to Combat Cyberbullying Via the Strengthening of Parent-Teen Relationships.
The IEEE World Forum on Public Safety Technology (WF-PST), Washington DC, USA, 2024 (5 pages).
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- Y. N. Silva, J. Martinez (Undergrad. Student), P. Castro Cea (Undergrad. Student), H. Razente, M. C. Nardini Barioni.
Diversity Similarity Join for Big Data.
The 16th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP), A Coruña, Spain, 2023 (14 pages. acceptance rate: 32%).
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- B. Wheeler (Grad. Student), K. Baumel (Grad. Student), D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva.
U.S. parents’ intentions to use anti-bullying apps: Insights from a comprehensive model.
Heliyon, 9, 9, pp e19630, 2023 (14 pages).
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- B. Wheeler (Grad. Student), S. Jung (Undergrad. Student), D. L. Hall, M. Purohit (Grad. Student), Y. N. Silva.
An Analysis of Temporal Trends in Anti-Asian Hate and Counter-Hate on Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26, 7, pp 535-545, 2023 (11 pages).
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- B. Wheeler (Grad. Student), S. Jung (Undergrad. Student), M. C. Nardini Barioni, M. Purohit (Grad. Student), D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva.
#WashTheHate: Understanding the Prevalence of Anti-Asian Prejudice on Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Istanbul, Turkey, 2022 (8 pages). Best paper award (Multidisciplinary Track).
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- L. Cheng (Grad. Student), A. Mosallanezhad (Grad. Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Bias Mitigation for Toxicity Detection via Sequential Decisions.
The 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), Madrid, Spain, 2022 (10 pages, acceptance rate: 20%).
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- Y. N. Silva, A. Loza (Undergrad. Student), H. Razente.
DBSnap-Eval: Identifying Database Query Construction Patterns.
The 27th ACM Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), Dublin, Ireland, 2022 (7 pages, acceptance rate: 29%).
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- Y. N. Silva, A. Loza (Undergrad. Student), H. Razente.
DBSnap 2: New Features to Construct Database Queries by Snapping Blocks.
The 27th ACM Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), Dublin, Ireland, 2022 (Tips, Techniques, and Courseware paper, 2 pages).
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- M. Hamlett (Grad. Student), G. Powell (Undergrad. Student), Y. N. Silva, D. L. Hall.
A Labeled Dataset for Investigating Cyberbullying Content Patterns in Instagram.
The 16th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2022 (7 pages).
[Download PDF] [Dataset]
- H. Razente, M. C. Nardini Barioni, Y. N. Silva.
Storing Data Once in M-trees and PM-trees: Revisiting the Building Principles of Metric Access Methods.
Information Systems, 104, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/ (13 pages). 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.678 (2018 Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate Analytics).
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D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva, B. Wheeler (ASU Grad. Student), L. Cheng (ASU Grad. Student), K. Baumel (ASU Grad. Student).
Harnessing the Power of Interdisciplinary Research with Psychology-Informed Cyberbullying Detection Models.
International Journal of Bullying Prevention (IJBP), 2022 (8 pages)
[Download PDF] [Springer Link]
- K. Schodt (Grad. Student), S. Quiroz (ASU Grad. Student), B. Wheeler (ASU Grad. Student), D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva
Cyberbullying and Mental Health in Adults: The Moderating Role of Social Media Use and Gender.
Frontiers in Psychiatry (Public Mental Health section), 2021 (18 pages)
[FrontiersIn Link (Open Access)] [Download PDF]
- L. Cheng (ASU Grad. Student), A. Mosallanezhad (ASU Grad. Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Mitigating Bias in Session-based Cyberbullying Detection: A Non-Compromising Approach.
The Joint Conference of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP), pages 2158–2168, 2021 (11 pages, acceptance rate: 21.3%)
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- L. Cheng (ASU Grad. Student), R. Guo (ASU Grad. Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Modeling Temporal Patterns of Cyberbullying with Hierarchical Attention Network.
ACM/IMS Transactions on Data Science, 2, 2, Article 8, pp 1-23, 2021, DOI: 10.1145/3441141 (23 pages).
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- L. Cheng (ASU Grad. Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Session-based Cyberbullying Detection: Problems and Challenges.
IEEE Internet Computing, 25, 2, pp 66-72, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/MIC.2020.3032930 (7 pages). Impact factor:4.23 (2019 Clarivate Analytics Journal Citation Reports).
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D. Mosallanezhad (ASU Grad. Student), Y. N. Silva, M. V. Mancenido, H. Liu.
Toward Privacy and Utility Preserving Image Representation.
The International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (SBP-BRiMS), Washington DC, USA, 2020 (working paper, 10 pages).
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L. Cheng (ASU Grad. Student), K. Shu (ASU Grad. Student), S. Wu (Grad. Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Unsupervised Cyberbullying Detection via Time-Informed Gaussian Mixture Model.
The 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2020 (10 pages, acceptance rate: 21%).
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- A. Gupta (ASU Undergraduate Student), W. Yang (ASU Undergraduate Student), D. Sivakumar (ASU Undergraduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. L. Hall, M. C. Nardini Barioni (Visiting Scholar).
Temporal Properties of Cyberbullying on Instagram.
The 5th Workshop on Computational Methods in Online Misbehavior (CyberSafety'20), Taipei, Taiwan, 2020. Best paper award.
In Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2020 (WWW'20), 576–583, DOI: 10.1145/3366424.3385771 (8 pages, acceptance rate: 33%).
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- P. Cech, J. Lokoc, Y. N. Silva.
Pivot-based Approximate k-NN Similarity Joins for Big High-dimensional Data.
Information Systems, 87, January, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/ (18 pages). 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.678 (2018 Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate Analytics).
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- C. Rong, L. Chen, Y. N. Silva.
Parallel Time Series Join using Spark.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (Wiley CCPE), 2020, DOI: 10.1002/cpe.5622 (15 pages). Impact factor: 1.167 (2018 ISI Journal Citation Reports).
[Download PDF] [Wiley Online Library Link]
- Y. N. Silva, M. Sandoval (ASU Undergraduate Student), D. Prado (ASU Undergraduate Student), X. Wallace (ASU Undergraduate Student), C. Rong.
Similarity Grouping in Big Data Systems.
The 12th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP), Newark, NJ, USA, 2019. Springer LNCS, 11807, pp 212-220, 2019 (9 pages).
[Download PDF] [Springer Link]
- L. Cheng (ASU Graduate Student), J. Li (ASU Graduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
PI-Bully: Personalized Cyberbullying Detection with Peer Influence.
The 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Macao, China, 2019 (7 pages, acceptance rate: 17.9%).
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- L. Cheng (ASU Graduate Student), R. Guo (ASU Graduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Hierarchical Attention Networks for Cyberbullying Detection on the Instagram Social Network.
The SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), Alberta, Canada, 2019 (9 pages, acceptance rate: 22.7%). This paper was highlighted in a SIAM press release.
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- L. Cheng (ASU Graduate Student), J. Li (ASU Graduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
XBully: Cyberbullying Detection within a Multi-Modal Context.
The 12th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), Melbourne, Australia, 2019 (9 pages, acceptance rate: 16%).
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- L. Cheng (ASU Graduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Personalized Learning for Cyberbullying Detection.
The SBP-BRiMS Doctoral Consortium (Doctoral Consortium of the International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation), Washington DC, USA, 2018 (3 pages).
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- C. Shao (ASU Graduate Student), D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva.
From Theory to Practice: An Integrated Model for Cyberbullying on Social Media.
Annual Conference of the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Eugene, Oregon, USA, 2018 (37 pages).
- Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, C. Rich (ASU Undergraduate Student).
BullyBlocker: Toward an Interdisciplinary Approach to Identify Cyberbullying.
Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM), 8, 18, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s13278-018-0496-z (15 pages). Impact: 1.216 (Source Normalized Impact per Paper - 2016, Springer).
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- Y. N. Silva, A. V. Nieuwenhuyse (ASU Undergraduate Student), T. Schenk (ASU Undergraduate Student), A. Symons (ASU Undergraduate Student).
DBSnap++: Creating Data-driven Programs by Snapping Blocks.
The 23rd ACM Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), Larnaca, Cyprus, 2018 (6 pages, acceptance rate: 29%).
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- P. Cech, J. Marousek, J. Lokoc, Y. N. Silva, J. Starks (ASU Undergraduate Student).
Comparing MapReduce-based k-NN Similarity Joins on Hadoop for High-dimensional Data.
The 13th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA), Singapore, 2017 (13 pages, acceptance rate 49%).
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- C. Rong, C. Lin, Y. N. Silva, J. Wang, W. Lu, X. Du.
Fast and Scalable Distributed Set Similarity Joins for Big Data Analytics.
The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), San Diego, CA, USA, 2017 (12 pages, acceptance rate 17.7%).
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- C. Rong, Y. N. Silva, C. Li.
String Similarity Join with Different Similarity Thresholds Based on Novel Indexing Techniques.
Frontiers of Computer Science, 11, 2, pp 307-319, 2017 (13 pages). Impact Factor: 0.660 (2015, Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
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- Y. N. Silva, J. M. Reed, A. Wadsworth (ASU Undergraduate Student), K. Brown (ASU Undergraduate Student), C. Rong.
An Experimental Survey of MapReduce-based Similarity Joins.
The 9th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP), Tokyo, Japan, 2016 (14 pages, acceptance rate 38%)
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- Y. N. Silva, C. Rich (ASU Undergraduate Student), J. Chon, L. M. Tsosie.
BullyBlocker: An App to Identify Cyberbullying in Facebook.
The 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2016 (system demonstration paper, 5 pages)
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- Y. N. Silva, I. Almeida (Undergraduate Student), I. Queiroz (Undergraduate Student).
SQL: From Traditional Databases to Big Data.
The 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Memphis, Tennessee, USA, 2016 (6 pages, acceptance rate 35%).
[Download PDF] - M. Tang, R.Y. Tahboub, W.G. Aref, M.J. Atallah, Q.M. Malluhi, M. Ouzzani, Y. N. Silva.
Similarity Group-by Operators for Multi-dimensional Relational Data.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 28, 2, pp 510-523, 2016 (12 pages). Impact Factor: 2.067 (2014, Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters).
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- Y. N. Silva, S. Pearson (ASU Undergraduate Student), J. Chon (ASU Undergraduate Student), R. Roberts (ASU Undergraduate Student).
Similarity Joins: Their Implementation and Interactions with Other Database Operators.
Information Systems, 52, August-September, pp 149-162, 2015, DOI: 10.1016/ (14 pages). 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.678 (2018 Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate Analytics).
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- Y. N. Silva, J. Chon (ASU Undergraduate Student).
Querying Databases by Snapping Blocks.
The 31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Seoul, Korea, 2015 (system demonstration paper, 4 pages, acceptance rate 39.7%).
[Download PDF] - Y. N. Silva, J. Chon (ASU Undergraduate Student).
DBSnap: Learning Database Queries by Snapping Blocks.
The 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Kansas City, Missouri, USA, 2015 (6 pages, acceptance rate 36%).
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S. Pearson (ASU Undergraduate Student), Y. N. Silva.
Index-based R-S Similarity Joins.
The 7th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP), Los Cabos, Mexico, 2014 (7 pages, acceptance rate 46.6%).
[Download PDF] - Y. N. Silva, S. W. Dietrich, J. M. Reed, L. M. Tsosie (ASU Undergraduate Student).
Integrating Big Data into the Computing Curricula. The 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Atlanta, USA, 2014 (6 pages, acceptance rate 39.4%).
[Download PDF] - Y. N. Silva, J. M. Reed (ASU Undergraduate Student), L. M. Tsosie (ASU Undergraduate Student), T. A. Matti (ASU Undergraduate Student).
Similarity Join for Big Geographic Data.
Refereed book chapter. In Geographical Information Systems: Trends and Technologies, E. Pourabbas (Ed.), pp 20-49, CRC Press: Boca Raton, Florida, 2014 (30 pages).
[Book Website][Amazon] - Y. N. Silva, W. G. Aref, P. -A. Larson, S. Pearson (ASU Undergraduate Student), M. H. Ali.
Similarity Queries: Their Conceptual Evaluation, Transformations and Processing.
The VLDB Journal - The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases (VLDBJ), 22, 3, pp 395-420, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s00778-012-0296-4 (26 pages + 13 pages of electronic supplementary material, Impact Factor: 4.269 [2016, Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters]).
[Download PDF] [Supplementary Material PDF] - Y. N. Silva, S. Pearson (ASU Undergraduate Student), J. A. Cheney (ASU Undergraduate Student).
Database Similarity Join for Metric Spaces.
The 6th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP), A Coruña, Spain, 2013. Springer LNCS, 8199, pp 266-279, 2013 (14 pages, acceptance rate 40.9%). Selected as one of the best conference papers.
[Download PDF] - Y. N. Silva, S. Pearson (ASU Undergraduate Student).
Exploiting Database Similarity Joins for Metric Spaces.
The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 5, 12, pp 1922-1925, 2012 (system demonstration paper, 4 pages, acceptance rate 33.7%).
[Download PDF] - Y. N. Silva, J. M. Reed (ASU Undergraduate Student), L. M. Tsosie (ASU Undergraduate Student).
MapReduce-based Similarity Join for Metric Spaces.
The VLDB International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence (VLDB/Cloud-I), Istanbul, Turkey, 2012 (8 pages).
[Download PDF] - Y. N. Silva, J. M. Reed (ASU Undergraduate Student).
Exploiting MapReduce-based Similarity Joins.
The 2012 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Scottsdale, USA, 2012 (system demonstration paper, acceptance rate 42%).
[Download PDF] - M. Y. Eltabakh, J. Padma, Y. N. Silva, P. He, W. G. Aref, E. Bertino.
Query Processing with k-Anonymity.
The International Journal of Data Engineering (IJDE), 3, 2, pp 48-65, 2012 (18 pages).
[Download PDF] - Y. N. Silva, P. -A. Larson, J. Zhou.
Exploiting Common Sub-expressions for Cloud Query Processing.
The 28th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Washington, DC, USA, 2012 (12 pages, acceptance rate 31.6%).
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- Y. N. Silva, W. G. Aref, M. Ali.
The Similarity Join Database Operator.
The 26th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Los Angeles, USA, 2010 (12 pages, acceptance rate 12%).
[Download PDF] - Y. N. Silva, A. M. Aly, W. G. Aref, P. -A. Larson.
SimDB: A Similarity-aware Database System.
The 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Indianapolis, USA, 2010 (system demonstration paper, acceptance rate 36.8%).
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- M. Y. Eltabakh, W. G. Aref, A. K. Elmagarmid, Y. N. Silva, M. Ouzzani.
Supporting Real-world Activities in Database Management Systems.
The 26th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Los Angeles, USA, 2010 (4 pages, acceptance rate 20%).
[Download PDF] - Y. N. Silva, W. G. Aref, M. Ali.
Similarity Group-by.
The 25th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), China, 2009 (12 pages, acceptance rate 17%).
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- Y. N. Silva, W. G. Aref.
Similarity-aware Query Processing and Optimization.
VLDB 2009 PhD Workshop, France, 2009 (6 pages).
[Download PDF] - Y. N. Silva, X. Xiong, W. G. Aref.
The RUM-tree: Supporting Frequent Updates in R-trees Using Memos.
The VLDB Journal - The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases (VLDBJ), 18, 3, pp 719-738, 2009, DOI: 10.1007/s00778-008-0120-3 (20 pages, Impact Factor: 4.269 [2016, Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters]).
[Download PDF] - Y. N. Silva, M. Arshad, W. G. Aref.
Exploiting Similarity-aware Grouping in Decision Support Systems.
The 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Russia, 2009 (system demonstration paper, acceptance rate 37.5%).
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- J. Padma, Y. N. Silva, M. Arshad, W. G. Aref.
Hippocratic PostgreSQL.
The 25th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), China, 2009 (system demonstration paper, acceptance rate 27%).
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- M. Eltabakh, W. G. Aref, A. Elmagarmid, M. Ouzzani, Y. N. Silva.
Supporting Annotations on Relations.
The 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Russia, 2009 (12 pages, acceptance rate 32.5%).
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- M. Eltabakh, M. Ouzzani, W. G. Aref, A. Elmagarmid, Y. N. Silva, D. Salt, I. Baxter.
Managing Biological Data using bdbms.
The 24th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), México, 2008 (system demonstration paper, acceptance rate 36%).
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- Y. N. Silva, W. G. Aref.
Realizing Privacy-Preserving Features in Hippocratic Databases.
23rd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops: 3rd International Workshop on Privacy Data Management (ICDE/PDM), Turkey, 2007 (9 pages, acceptance rate 30%).
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Technical Reports
- Y. N. Silva, J. M. Reed (ASU Undergraduate Student), and L. M. Tsosie (ASU Undergraduate Student).
Technical report: MapReduce-based similarity joins.
Technical report, Arizona State University, 2012.
[Download PDF]
- Y. N. Silva and W. G. Aref.
Realizing Privacy-preserving Features in Hippocratic Databases.
Technical Report CSD TR #06-022, Purdue University, 2006.
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Research Posters and Extended Abstracts
1. M. Juarez, N. Barragan, D. Hall, G. Thiruvathukal, Y. N. Silva. ActionPoint: An App to Combat Cyberbullying by Strengthening Parent-Teen Relationships. Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium (URES), Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2024.
2. M. Sandoval, P. Furman, M. Abuhamad, M. Nazari, J. Zhang, D. Hall, Y. N. Silva. Cyberbullying Role Detection Using LLMs. The Graduate School's 17th Annual Interdisciplinary Symposium, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2024.
3. M. Purohit, B. Wheeler, P. Furman, S. Jung, M. Barioni, D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva. Global Prevalence Patterns of Anti-Asian Prejudice on Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Graduate School's 16th Annual Interdisciplinary Symposium, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2023. Outstanding Research Poster Award.
4. M. Juarez, S. Jung, D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva. ActionPoint App: Implementing an App to Combat Cyberbullying Through the Strengthening of Parent-Teen Relationships. Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium (URES), Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2023.
5. P. Furman, D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva. Identifying Participant Roles in Cyberbullying Through Hierarchical Attention Networks. Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium (URES), Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2023.
6. H. Li, D. Hall, Y. N. Silva. Individual difference predictors of different types of cyberbystander behavior. The Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality & Social Psychology (SPSP), Psychology of Media & Technology Preconference, San Diego, CA, USA, 2023.
5. T. Strom, J. Spokes, N. Alejandro, Y. N. Silva, D. Hall. ActionPoint: Action-driven App to Strengthen Parent-Teen Relationships to Combat Cyberbullying. Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Symposium, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA, 2019.
7. Y. N. Silva, M. Sandoval, D. Prado, X. Wallace, C. Rong. Similarity Grouping in Big Data Systems. The 12th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP), Newark, NJ, USA, 2019. Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Symposium, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA, 2019.
8. L. Cheng, J. Li, Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu. Xbully: Cyberbullying Detection within a Multi-Modal Context. The 12th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
9. K. Schodt, C. Shao, D. Hall, Y. N. Silva. How Much is too Much?: The Moderating Role of Social Media Use in the Relation between Psychological Risk Factors and Cyberbullying Victimization and Perpetration. Society for Personality ∧ Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 2019.
10. W. Yang, D. Prakash Sivakumar, L. Cheng, K. Schodt, C. Shao, D. Hall, Y. N. Silva. An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Temporal Aspects of Cyberbullying on Instagram. Society for Personality ∧ Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 2019.
11. L. Jiang, A. Trow, V. Delgadillo, C. Sanchez, L. Cheng, Y. N. Silva, D. Hall. An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Temporal Aspects of Cyberbullying. The Western Psychological Association (WPA) Convention, Portland, OR, USA, 2018.
12. A. Trow, L. Jiang, L. Cheng, C. Sanchez, V. Delgadillo, D. Hall, Y. N. Silva. BullyBlocker: Detecting Cyberbullying Victimization Risk through an Interdisciplinary Identification Model. The Western Psychological Association (WPA) Convention, Portland, OR, USA, 2018.
13. Y. N. Silva, A. V. Nieuwenhuyse, T. Schenk, A. Symons. DBSnap++: Creating Data-Driven Programs by Snapping Blocks. Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Symposium, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA, 2018.
14. Y. N. Silva, D. L. Hall, R. Conway, T. Strom, J. Spokes, C. Sanchez, V. Delgadillo, T. Schenk. Evaluating a Model to Predict Cyberbullying in Social Networks. Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Symposium, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA, 2018.
15. Y. N. Silva, J. Starks, E. Cristal, M. Sandoval-Madrigal, D. Prado, X. Wallace. Similarity Group By for Big Data Analytics. Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Symposium, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA, 2018.
16. C. Rong, C. Lin, Y. N. Silva, J. Wang, W. Lu, X. Du. Fast and Scalable Distributed Set Similarity Joins for Big Data Analytics. The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), San Diego, CA, USA, 2017.
17. Y. N. Silva, C. Brown, L. Garcia, B. Sawkins. Designing and Implementing a Model to Identify Cyberbullying in Facebook. Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Symposium, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA, 2017; Global Security PLuS Symposium, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2017.
18. Y. N. Silva, A. V. Nieuwenhuyse, T. Schenk, A. Symons. DBSnap++: A Learning Environment to Create Data-aware Programs. Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Symposium, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA, 2017.
19. Y. N. Silva, N. Middlebrook, J. Starks. Similarity Grouping for Big Data. Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Symposium, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA, 2017.
20. Y. N. Silva, J. Reed, K. Brown, A.J. Wadsworth, C. Rong. An Experimental Survey of MapReduce-based Similarity Joins. The 9th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP), Tokyo, Japan, 2016.
21. Y. N. Silva, C. Rich, D. Hall. BullyBlocker: Towards the Identification of Cyberbullying in Social Networking Sites.The 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2016 (overall acceptance rate 31%). Extended poster abstract included in conference proceedings. [Extended Abstract]
22. Y. N. Silva, C. Rich, J. Chon, L. M. Tsosie. BullyBlocker: An App to Identify Cyberbullying in Facebook. The 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2016.
23. M. Tang, R. Y. Tahboub, W. G. Aref, M. J. Atallah, Q. M. Malluhi, M. Ouzzani, Y. N. Silva. Similarity Group-by Operators for Multi-dimensional Relational Data. The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Helsinki, Finland, 2016. Extended poster abstract included in conference proceedings. [Extended Abstract]
24. Y. N. Silva, J. Reed, K. Brown, A.J. Wadsworth, C. Rong, N. Middlebrook. An Experimental Survey of MapReduce-based Similarity Joins. ASU Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Symposium, Arizona, USA, 2016.
25. Y. N. Silva, C. Rich, B. Sawkins, G. Garcia Designing and Implementing an App to Identify Cyberbullying in Facebook. ASU Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Symposium, Arizona, USA, 2016.
26. Y. N. Silva, A. Goldsmith, A. V. Nieuwenhuyse, A. Symons. Incorporating Advanced Features into DBSnap. ASU Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Symposium, Arizona, USA, 2016.
27. Y. N. Silva, A.J. Wadsworth, K. Brown, J. Reed. MapReduce-based Similarity Grouping for Big Data. 18th Annual Scholarship Recognition Reception, ASU, Arizona, USA, 2015.
28. Y. N. Silva, J. Chon. DBSnap: Querying Databases by Snapping Blocks. The 31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Seoul, Korea, 2015; New College’s Undergraduate Student Research and Creative Projects Expo, Arizona, USA, 2015.
29. Y. N. Silva, C. Rich, J. Chon, G. Hunter. BullyBlocker: Building an App to Identify Cyberbullying in Facebook. New College’s Undergraduate Student Research and Creative Projects Expo, Arizona, USA, 2015; 18th Annual Scholarship Recognition Reception, ASU, Arizona, USA, 2015.
30. Y. N. Silva, K. Gervais, A.J. Wadsworth, J. Reed. MapReduce-based Similarity Join Survey. New College’s Undergraduate Student Research and Creative Projects Expo, Arizona, USA, 2015.
31. Y. N. Silva, J. Reed, L. Tsosie, T. Matti, K. Gervais. Similarity Join for Big Geographic Data. New College’s Undergraduate Student Research and Creative Projects Expo, Arizona, USA, 2014.
32. Y. N. Silva, L. Tsosie, T. Tucker, J. Cheney. BullyBlocker: Identifying Cyberbullying in Facebook. New College’s Undergraduate Student Research and Creative Projects Expo, Arizona, USA, 2014.
33. Y. N. Silva, S. Pearson, J. Chon, R. Roberts. Multi-way Similarity Joins. New College’s Undergraduate Student Research and Creative Projects Expo, Arizona, USA, 2014.
34. L. M. Tsosie, Y. N. Silva. Facebully: Towards the Identification of Cyberbullying in Facebook. The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC), Minnesota, USA, 2013.[Extended Abstract]
35. Y. N. Silva, S. Pearson. Index-based Similarity Joins. New College’s Undergraduate Student Research and Creative Projects Expo, Arizona, USA, 2013.
36. Y. N. Silva, Lisa M. Tsosie. Facebully: Identifying Cyberbullying in Facebook. MGE@MSA Arizona 11th Annual Student Research Conference, Arizona, USA, 2013.
37. Y. N. Silva, S. Pearson. Exploiting Database Similarity Joins for Metric Spaces. The 38th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.
38. Y. N. Silva, J. M. Reed. Exploiting MapReduce-based Similarity Joins. The 2012 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Scottsdale, USA, 2012.
39. Y. N. Silva, P. -A. Larson, J. Zhou. Exploiting Common Sub-expressions for Cloud Query Processing. The 28th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Washington, DC, USA, 2012.
40. Y. N. Silva, W. G. Aref, M. Ali. Similarity Group-by. The 25th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), China, 2009; Midwest Database Research Symposium, Chicago, 2008.
41. Y. N. Silva, M. Arshad, W. G. Aref. Exploiting Similarity-aware Grouping in Decision Support Systems. The 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Russia, 2009.
42. Y. N. Silva and W. G. Aref. SimDB: A Similarity-aware Database System. Computer Science Student Research Showcase, Purdue University, Indiana, 2009.
43. Y. N. Silva, S. Tata, and G. Lohman. Self-Organizing databases. IBM Almaden Research Center Intern Showcase, California, 2008.
44. J. Padma, Y. N. Silva, M. Arshad, W. G. Aref. Hippocratic PostgreSQL. Midwest Database Research Symposium, Chicago, 2008.
45. Y. N. Silva and W. G. Aref. Realizing Privacy-Preserving Features in Hippocratic Databases. Annual CERIAS Symposium, Indiana, 2007.
Non Technical Publications
Useful information for prospective international graduate students (Presentacion sobre estudios de postgrado en los EEUU) (Spanish). Yasin N. Silva. (download ppt)