Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae (Download PDF Version)
Work Experience
Loyola Universiry Chicago. IL, January 2022 - Current
• Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science since 2022.
• Graduate Program Director of Data Science since 2022.
Arizona State University. AZ, August 2010 - December 2021
• Assistant Professor in the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences from 2010 to 2016.
• Associate Professor in the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences from 2016 to 2021.
Microsoft Research. Redmond, WA, May - July 2009
• Carried out research in the Database group with Paul Larson and Jingren Zhou.
• Enhanced the optimizer of a massive data distributed management system to make efficient use of common query sub-expressions.
IBM Research – Almaden Research Center. San Jose, CA, June - September 2008
• Carried out research in the Information Management group with Guy Lohman and Sandeep Tata.
• Designed a data management architecture that can inherently support unstructured and structured data.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, August 2004 - Present
• Carried out research in the areas of similarity-aware query processing and optimization, privacy assurance, and scientific database systems.
• Teaching Assistant for CS541 Database Systems and CS348 Information Systems.
• Research Assistant in the EcoliHub project.
• Designed and implemented a system that detects and reports conflicts among multi-source XML documents that describe biological objects like genes and proteins.
Imaginestics, LLC. West Lafayette, IN, May - July 2005
• Created and tuned a web services based system to support applications that manipulate databases of complex geometric objects.
Eurisko Technologies C.A.S. Lima, Peru, 2001-2003
• Co-founder and Manager.
• Designed and implemented database administration and tuning tools using Object Oriented technology.