Data Resources:

  1. The labeled datasets presented in the paper: A Labeled Dataset for Investigating Cyberbullying Content Patterns in Instagram, M. Hamlett, G. Powell, Y. N. Silva, D. L. Hall, The 16th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2022 is now available to researchers and practitioners. To access the dataset, please send an email to

  2. The session- and comment-level labeled datasets presented in the paper: Temporal Properties of Cyberbullying on Instagram, A. Gupta, W. Yang, D. Sivakumar, Y. N. Silva, D. L. Hall, M. C. Nardini Barioni, the Fifth Workshop on Computational Methods in Online Misbehavior (CyberSafety '20), Taipei, Taiwan, 2020 are now available to researchers and practitioners. To access the files, please send an email to

  3. The social network generator and required input datasets presented in the paper BullyBlocker: Toward an Interdisciplinary Approach to Identify Cyberbullying, Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, C. Rich, SNAM, 8, 1, 2018 are now available to researchers and practitioners. To access the files, please send an email to