M. Sandoval (Grad. Student), M. Abuhamad (Grad. Student), P. Furman (Undergrad. Student), M. Nazari (Grad. Student), D. Hall, Y. N. Silva.
Identifying Cyberbullying Roles in Social Media.
The 2024 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Calabria, Italy, 2024 (multidisciplinary track, 15 pages).
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A. Tahir (Grad. Student), L. Cheng, M. Sandoval (Grad. Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Evaluating LLMs Capabilities Towards Understanding Social Dynamics.
The 2024 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Calabria, Italy, 2024 (multidisciplinary track, 16 pages).
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M. Arslan (Grad. Student), M. Sandoval (Grad. Student), M. Abuhamad, D. Hall, Y. N. Silva
Detecting LGBTQ+ Instances of Cyberbullying.
The International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (SBP-BRiMS), Pittsburg PA, USA (online proceedings, 10 pages).
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B. Wheeler (Grad. Student), M. Purohit (Grad. Student), P. Furman (Undergrad. Student), S. Jung (Undergrad. Student), M. C. Nardini Barioni, D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva.
Global Prevalence Patterns of Anti-Asian Prejudice on Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Lecture Notes in Social Networks (LNSN), pp. 235-266, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-75204-9_10 (32 pages).
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N. Barragan (Grad. Student), A. Batista (Grad. Student), D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva.
Social identity, social media use, and mental health in adults: Investigating the mediating role of cyberbullying experiences and the moderating effects of gender and age.
Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 17, pp. 4009-4020, 2024 (12 pages).
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M. Juarez (Undergrad. Student), N. Barragan (Grad. Student), K. Thiruvathukal, D. L. Hall, , Y. N. Silva.
ActionPoint: An App to Combat Cyberbullying Via the Strengthening of Parent-Teen Relationships.
The IEEE World Forum on Public Safety Technology (WF-PST), Washington DC, USA, 2024 (5 pages).
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B. Wheeler (Grad. Student), K. Baumel (Grad. Student), D. L. Hall, , Y. N. Silva.
U.S. parents’ intentions to use anti-bullying apps: Insights from a comprehensive model.
Heliyon, 9, 9, pp e19630, 2023 (14 pages).
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B. Wheeler (Grad. Student), S. Jung (Undergrad. Student), D. L. Hall, M. Purohit (Grad. Student), Y. N. Silva.
An Analysis of Temporal Trends in Anti-Asian Hate and Counter-Hate on Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26, 7, pp 535-545, 2023 (11 pages).
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B. Wheeler (Grad. Student), S. Jung (Undergrad. Student), M. C. Nardini Barioni, M. Purohit (Grad. Student), D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva.
#WashTheHate: Understanding the Prevalence of Anti-Asian Prejudice on Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Istanbul, Turkey, 2022 (8 pages). Best Paper Award (Multidisciplinary Track).
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L. Cheng (Grad. Student), A. Mosallanezhad (Grad. Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Bias Mitigation for Toxicity Detection via Sequential Decisions.
The 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), Madrid, Spain, 2022 (10 pages, acceptance rate: 20%).
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M. Hamlett (Grad. Student), G. Powell (Undergrad. Student), Y. N. Silva, D. L. Hall.
A Labeled Dataset for Investigating Cyberbullying Content Patterns in Instagram.
The 16th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2022 (7 pages).
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D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva, B. Wheeler (ASU Grad. Student), L. Cheng (ASU Grad. Student), K. Baumel (ASU Grad. Student).
Harnessing the Power of Interdisciplinary Research with Psychology-Informed Cyberbullying Detection Models.
International Journal of Bullying Prevention (IJBP), 2022 (8 pages).
[Springer Link] [Download PDF] -
K. Schodt (Graduate Student), S. Quiroz (ASU Graduate Student), B. Wheeler (ASU Graduate Student) , D. L. Hall, Y. N. Silva.
Cyberbullying and Mental Health in Adults: The Moderating Role of Social Media Use and Gender.
Frontiers in Psychiatry (Public Mental Health section), 12, Article: 674298, 2021, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.674298 (14 pages). Impact factor: 3.532 (2017 Clarivate Analytics Journal Citation Reports).
[FrontiersIn Link (Open Access)] [Download PDF] -
L. Cheng (ASU Graduate Student), A. Mosallanezhad (ASU Graduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Mitigating Bias in Session-based Cyberbullying Detection: A Non-Compromising Approach.
The Joint Conference of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP), pages 2158–2168, 2021 (11 pages, acceptance rate: 21.3%).
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L. Cheng (ASU Graduate Student), R. Guo (ASU Graduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Modeling Temporal Patterns of Cyberbullying with Hierarchical Attention Network.
ACM/IMS Transactions on Data Science, 2, 2, Article 8, pp 1-23, 2021, DOI: 10.1145/3441141 (23 pages).
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L. Cheng (ASU Graduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Session-based Cyberbullying Detection: Problems and Challenges.
IEEE Internet Computing 25, 2, pp 66-72, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/MIC.2020.3032930 (7 pages). Impact factor:4.23 (2019 Clarivate Analytics Journal Citation Reports).
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L. Cheng (ASU Graduate Student), K. Shu (ASU Graduate Student), S. Wu (Graduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Unsupervised Cyberbullying Detection via Time-Informed Gaussian Mixture Model.
The 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'20), 2020 (10 pages, acceptance rate: 21%).
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A. Gupta (ASU Undergraduate Student), W. Yang (ASU Undergraduate Student), D. Sivakumar (ASU Undergraduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. L. Hall, M. C. Nardini Barioni (Visiting Scholar).
Temporal Properties of Cyberbullying on Instagram.
The 5th Workshop on Computational Methods in Online Misbehavior (CyberSafety'20), Taipei, Taiwan, 2020. Best Paper Award. In Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2020 (WWW'20), 576–583, DOI: 10.1145/3366424.3385771 (8 pages, acceptance rate: 33%).
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L. Cheng (ASU Graduate Student), J. Li (ASU Graduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
PI-Bully: Personalized Cyberbullying Detection with Peer Influence.
The 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Macao, China, 2019 (7 pages, acceptance rate: 17.9%).
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L. Cheng (ASU Graduate Student), R. Guo (ASU Graduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Hierarchical Attention Networks for Cyberbullying Detection on the Instagram Social Network.
The SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), Alberta, Canada, 2019 (9 pages, acceptance rate: 22.7%). This paper was highlighted in a SIAM press release.
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L. Cheng (ASU Graduate Student), J. Li (ASU Graduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
XBully: Cyberbullying Detection within a Multi-Modal Context.
The 12th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), Melbourne, Australia, 2019 (9 pages, acceptance rate: 16%).
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L. Cheng (ASU Graduate Student), Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, H. Liu.
Personalized Learning for Cyberbullying Detection.
The SBP-BRiMS Doctoral Consortium (Doctoral Consortium of the International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation), Washington DC, USA, 2018.
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Y. N. Silva, D. Hall, C. Rich (ASU Undergraduate Student).
BullyBlocker: Toward an Interdisciplinary Approach to Identify Cyberbullying.
Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM), 8, 1, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s13278-018-0496-z (15 pages). Impact: 1.216 (Source Normalized Impact per Paper - 2016, Springer).
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Y. N. Silva, C. Rich (ASU Undergraduate Student), J. Chon, L. M. Tsosie.
BullyBlocker: An App to Identify Cyberbullying in Facebook.
The 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2016.
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Y. N. Silva, C. Rich (ASU Undergraduate Student), D. Hall.
BullyBlocker: Towards the Identification of Cyberbullying in Social Networking Sites.
The 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2016.
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Y. N. Silva, L. M. Tsosie (ASU Undergraduate Student).
Facebully: Towards the identification of cyberbullying in facebook.
Abstract prepared for the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Conference, Minneapolis, USA, 2013.
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